
About me

Michael Kumove_D0A1846

I’m a Postdoctoral Fellow in political science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). I am currently examining the effects of youth bulges in Africa as part of the DIVIDENDS project at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).

Generally speaking, I study how we feel about others, and why. I am particularly interested in interpersonal and intergroup trust and how demographic factors such as ethnicity, language and age structure affect these. I am also interested in intergroup relations more broadly, as well as language policy, ethnic conflict and quantitative methods.

Prior to starting at NTNU, I was an associate lecturer in the School of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University, where I also completed my PhD between 2018 and 2021. My doctoral research examined the relationship between language, communication and social trust.  I also hold a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Victoria University of Wellington, and a BA(Hons) from the University of Auckland.

I was born and mostly raised in Wellington, New Zealand, and have also lived and studied for various periods in Canada, Poland and Taiwan.  My main interests outside of academia include music, movies, sport and travel.

Email: michael.kumove@ntnu.no